Monday, November 11, 2013

one of 7 positive Emotions LOVE! do you have Love?

Howdie Friends and followers and blog readers

    Today's Positive Emotion is L O V E.   The great Apostle Paul wrote about it. He said it is the greatest, and it really is!  God said Love your neighbor as thy self.  So first we need to love our self don't we?  Then we can love others.

Love is resonance!  Resonance is a Vibration.  Love creates a very strong vibration in our being!  It is when you are intellectually, emotionally, and physically connected to a person, an idea, or a thing.

When two people are in love there emotion has rapport, there Intellect has a rapport and there physical person have a rapport the idea even has a rapport so they have a rapport with each other, totally. It is the composite of all three.

     When you are in love with an idea, that idea keeps growing in your mind. Napoleon Hill gave us a formula for falling in love with an idea. He said first you give life, guidance and action to the idea. And he said, eventually the idea will take on a power of its own and it will sweep aside all opposition. It will coax, nurse and drive you. It is so powerful! Love is a phenomenal emotion. 
         Love is a phenomenal emotion.

 You have got to have Love  if you are going to give Love!  It was not put in your heart to stay. If you don't love what your doing get a way from it. If you don't love the people you are around move a way from them.  You must love yourself first to be able to love back ( to give love).  Love is so powerful it can get what you want you just have to use it in the right way remember what ever you put out you will receive in return.

 Tell someone you love them today; and mean it!  It'll come back to you ten fold!

I want you to know I may not know you but I love you!

I have an idea you can fall in love with  how would you like to get daily positive emails and insights from my mentor Bob Proctor?  if so click the flower heart below and sign up!
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God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones 
One Clear Choice Investments 

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