Sunday, December 1, 2013

number 7 Hope is a phenomenal emotion

Hope is a Phenomenal Emotion!

Howdie Friends and blog Readers:

The Subject today is Hope!    Hope Concerns All! 
Hope is a phenomenal emotion!
     When a person has no hope, they are stuck, they are in a rut, and they are running up against blank walls. But through studying the material in my Blogs and through understanding — you know that is what “Six Minutes” (Bob Proctors and Proctor and Galliger Institute), “Think and Grow Rich” and “As a man thinketh” will give to you, if you have not got it, you need to get it.  It is going to give it to you.

 It is going to give you hope!

 Hope is What keeps you going when you fell like everything is against you.  It is what carries you through the despair.  If you don’t have hope you will fall in to despair and worse. 

 I hope you are doing well, Great, Fantastic even!

Hope gives you options.

 When you have hope, you see all kinds of options. You see doors instead of walls. 

You stop trying to make a door out of a wall. You see openings everywhere you go. There are opportunities flying at you. Hope gives you options. Hope gives you understanding of the creative faculties that we have got, of the marvelous power that we are working with, of the fact that we can create and internalize and express everything.

 We are the highest form of creation on the planet.

     As we start studying this, we develop hope. And hope gives us options. When you see a Person with no hope, sit down, take five minutes and help them. You are going to run Into people today that have no hope, they seem stuck, they just do not know what to do, and they may be despondent. 
What are you going to do? 
How are you going to help them?    
     Spend four or five minutes thinking on this subject.  Say this to yourself “I am going to carry those positive emotions in my purse or my pocket. And do it!    I am going to look at them every day. And I am going to share this with as many people as possible.  Do you see, by sharing with people, you are going to give them hope. And when you do that, the world will reward you. We are going to give them money, but the Universe will send you much more!  As a Christian Man I have to say something here Jesus give every one HOPE!  

Hope I want to give you hope by offer something to you for free!  Yes Free well not quite free I will be asking you for an email so I can send you the information for free.  just go here now and get it no cost!  Or Click the the picture of Think and grow rich below.
 Free Insights in your inbox! just click this book

One more bit of hope.  Do you want to free yourself from the JOB!  click the picture below and it will take you to an opportunity that you can use to set yourself free! 
 Join me in Business for yourself and be from the JOB!

 Opportunity to freedom from the JOB! Click here

Thanks for reading the blog i hope it was informative!

God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Investments 

How Romance Can further your business!

How Romance Can further your business!

Howdie My Friends and Blog readers:

Today we are picking up on the list of the 7 positive emotions that we all must have and use to grow our businesses.  
they are 

     This is an emotion you will enjoy. I don’t know if you understand how to
get involved in it, how to originate it, how to make it a part of your life or not. It is called Romance.    If you were to ask a man what romance is he would say “sex” (Sorry Guys). Now if you were to ask a woman what romance is she would say  something like time effort showing love and respect and caring, It is something good. It is something that has got a nice flow to it, and it is a flow. It is something that causes her to feel good.

Romance per Webster is – To entertain love, Caring thoughts.

     Romance is a behavior, an attitude and it is getting in harmony with the Law of Rhythm. 

It is being in a beautiful flow with an idea. 

You can romance an idea, you can romance a situation, you can romance another person. 
It is sending absolutely beautiful energy out in a lawful manner, getting in tune with the Law of Rhythm – just a beautiful flow of a positive nature.
Do you remember the 7 laws of the universe?
6. Cause and Effect
7. Gender

     Start to think about the word ROMANCE for a moment. It is all positive, no negative. It is not taking anything, it is giving everything. It is just putting beautiful ideas out. You can romance another person in your thoughts. Just send absolutely beautiful thoughts, I guarantee you, they are going to be attracted to you because there is something in them that wants what you have got. It is seeking that. It is in resonance with that. It is an absolutely beautiful concept. It is directing very positive energy, in harmony with the Law of Rhythm, toward an idea or toward another person or toward a situation.

Are you being Romantic? 

Are you using Romance to further your Idea?

I would like to suggest a wonderful opportunity something most people use everyday and will not give it up. They have to pay a fee to use.  A 240 Billion Dollar  industry Expected to grow to 400 billion in the next year!  Would you like a sliver of that pie?    Join me at  or click on the door of opportunity below
 Open the door to opportunity and walk through were waiting!

I know you need to have insights positive insights! have them come to you every day to reinforce what you need come try it out it’s free!  Click on the burning heart! 
 Get Free insights daily!

Thanks for letting me share this with you! I hope it was informative and useful!  

God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Investments

Stay tuned for more great information! see you on the next blog!