Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Enthusiasm Do you have it?

Enthusiasm Do you have it?

Success -  is the “Progressive realization of a worthy idea” 

Today’s subject is Enthusiasm.   Enthusiasm – Enthusiasm comes from the Greek, entheos, in God - it's an Intense feeling for a subject or cause.    When you get good strong fellings behind something your doing or are interested in you allow your subconscious mind to know you really like it and or want it.   Let me tell you, there is a big difference between enthusiasm and excitement. I guarantee you,When you see people get excited, when something good happens,  if you watch those people when something bad happens, they are going to get depressed. See, the opposite of
excitement is depression. And you are going to find when something good happens, they get excited; and when something bad happens, they are depressed / down.  Why? Because they are letting what goes on outside control them.   You have to have your inside control you! Now, Enthusiasm is something totally different. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek, entheos, in God. That is where you are emotionally involved in an idea and you move into the spirit of it. And you are going to find your energy keeps going up and up and up and the vibration just keeps rising. Now understand this, the more you raise the level of vibration, you are getting up into the thin air, you are getting to where the big ideas are, you are getting up where the creative ideas are. You have got to become truly enthusiastic about what you are doing, and as you do, you are putting your whole being into a phenomenal vibration. Get enthused, get en-theos, get in tune with the universal side of yourself. Let the quiet voice within tell you where to go, and then fall in love with that idea. Enthusiasm is, without question, being in tune with that which is a higher side of you. Understand there is perfection within you and you are letting it come to the surface. Get rid of the excitement and you will get rid of the depression. Get into the enthusiasm and you are going to live a pretty balanced life. You are going to keep moving all the time, you are not going to let things rustle your feathers, you are going to attract some real good stuff into your life.

Remember the 7 laws of the Universe
1.     Law Of Transmutation
2.     Law of Relativity
3.     Law of Cause and effect
4.     Law of  Gender
5.     Law of vibration
6.     Law of polarity
7.     Law of Rhythm
The 7 positive emotions and 7 negative emotions  work with in the 7 laws of the universe.   The Positive emotions help and the negative hinder.  Learn these emotions and Laws and you will Succeed! 

 Don't forget!
 Success -  is the “Progressive realization of a worthy idea”

I want you to Succeed if you want to succeed let me help you with daily insights fro my mentor Bob Proctor.  Just click the link below and join it’s free no cost, nothing but a willingness to do so.  
 Get Free insights from the master in the business! Bob Proctor

I would also like to introduce you to one of the money making businesses that I am in if you would like to join my team just click the link below and we can work together and be come Successful together.  Click the line right now
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God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones

One Clear Choice Investments

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