Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Enthusiasm Do you have it?

Enthusiasm Do you have it?

Success -  is the “Progressive realization of a worthy idea” 

Today’s subject is Enthusiasm.   Enthusiasm – Enthusiasm comes from the Greek, entheos, in God - it's an Intense feeling for a subject or cause.    When you get good strong fellings behind something your doing or are interested in you allow your subconscious mind to know you really like it and or want it.   Let me tell you, there is a big difference between enthusiasm and excitement. I guarantee you,When you see people get excited, when something good happens,  if you watch those people when something bad happens, they are going to get depressed. See, the opposite of
excitement is depression. And you are going to find when something good happens, they get excited; and when something bad happens, they are depressed / down.  Why? Because they are letting what goes on outside control them.   You have to have your inside control you! Now, Enthusiasm is something totally different. Enthusiasm comes from the Greek, entheos, in God. That is where you are emotionally involved in an idea and you move into the spirit of it. And you are going to find your energy keeps going up and up and up and the vibration just keeps rising. Now understand this, the more you raise the level of vibration, you are getting up into the thin air, you are getting to where the big ideas are, you are getting up where the creative ideas are. You have got to become truly enthusiastic about what you are doing, and as you do, you are putting your whole being into a phenomenal vibration. Get enthused, get en-theos, get in tune with the universal side of yourself. Let the quiet voice within tell you where to go, and then fall in love with that idea. Enthusiasm is, without question, being in tune with that which is a higher side of you. Understand there is perfection within you and you are letting it come to the surface. Get rid of the excitement and you will get rid of the depression. Get into the enthusiasm and you are going to live a pretty balanced life. You are going to keep moving all the time, you are not going to let things rustle your feathers, you are going to attract some real good stuff into your life.

Remember the 7 laws of the Universe
1.     Law Of Transmutation
2.     Law of Relativity
3.     Law of Cause and effect
4.     Law of  Gender
5.     Law of vibration
6.     Law of polarity
7.     Law of Rhythm
The 7 positive emotions and 7 negative emotions  work with in the 7 laws of the universe.   The Positive emotions help and the negative hinder.  Learn these emotions and Laws and you will Succeed! 

 Don't forget!
 Success -  is the “Progressive realization of a worthy idea”

I want you to Succeed if you want to succeed let me help you with daily insights fro my mentor Bob Proctor.  Just click the link below and join it’s free no cost, nothing but a willingness to do so.  
 Get Free insights from the master in the business! Bob Proctor

I would also like to introduce you to one of the money making businesses that I am in if you would like to join my team just click the link below and we can work together and be come Successful together.  Click the line right now
 Join me in this Business and grow it to the size you want!

God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones

One Clear Choice Investments

Monday, November 25, 2013

Sex sells; yes this is one of the emotions one of the 7

Sex sells; yes this is one of the emotions one of the 7 

     Well, this is one you might have been waiting for. This one is a misunderstood positive emotion by many people. A lot of people go around with the wrong idea about sex. Sex is one of the most powerful emotions that you can get involved with.     I am no expert on this subject and with that said - This emotion can be used in a bad way as well as a good.

  Sex is Beautiful concept to work on.  A lot of us were raised that sex is dirty so you save it for someone you love.    Dose that make any sense?  God created us as sexual beings and with in the sex there are very strong feelings.  It's not talked about in many circles; it is something many people shy away form yes even churches.  If anyone were to explain the birds and the bees I think it should be the church, Pastors.  You want to break up a group of people in a conversation just ask what they think about sex.  It will get very quiet or they will just give you the eye or smile , laugh  Uhuh uh want are you talking about.

     God knew what he was doing when he made us the way we are!   Now I would say that sex is and was created for a married couples and outside of that It is wrong and mainly for the feeling between the two people involved and be cause God has said that that is how he intended it to be.    Now I understand some of you may not feel that way but if you really are truthful about it  you would say that it makes perfect sense.

  Sex is the expression of an idea, an emotion on a physical level. It is something that is very creative.

 it is procreate. It is a powerful concept and if it is not understood, it can be one of the most destructive emotions that there is. Of course, it is’t the sex that is destructive, it is the lack of understanding It.   It is ignorance that is destructive.     When two people have a great sexual relationship, it is because they are in tune on a physical level. They are in tune on a physical level because they are in tune on an intellectual level. Their ideas have a rapport, their emotions have a rapport and therefore, the ideas and the emotions are expressed through the physical body so they have a great physical relationship. It is something to think about. A lot of people don’t have a great sexual relationship. And they should have because it is a beautiful thing
when it is understood.

     It is very destructive when it is not understood. I want you to think about it for a little while. This is not something to shy away from, something to shun. It is something to talk about, it is something to understand and it is something to be enjoyed as a married couple as stated before. Because it is one of the most powerful emotions that you will ever deal with. I always point out that there are three hang-ups in life – God, Money and Sex.

We are taught that God is man on a cloud that blesses some and curses others, money is bad so you should not want it and sex is dirty so you save it for someone you love!

     The truth is that God is an infinite power that operates in an orderly manner, money is a servant and sex is something absolutely beautiful. Start enjoying it. I do and I think you should to! Study it. Spend four or five minutes thinking about that one!  So how can Sex in crease my success?   You need a positive mind to succeed!   When your happy it's easy to be positive.  When your relationship is good then that will give you a positive out look also. The best aspect is that it helps to get the creative mind working.   

feeling a bit uneasy?   You shouldn't! 

I know you need help staying positive in this world that has so many things that can turn you negative. 
Get daily insights from Bob Proctor and strengthen your out look and lean more about Succeeding in life. 
just click on the link below.or the think and grow rich book below.
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Hope you enjoyed this topic!   I hope I stated the facts and you were able to follow along.  This was just one of 7 Positive emotions that will help you succeed in life.   stay tuned for the others the emotions are 
 Sex, Hope, Desire, Faith, Romance, Love, Enthusiasm.  

God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Investments

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Monday, November 11, 2013

one of 7 positive Emotions LOVE! do you have Love?

Howdie Friends and followers and blog readers

    Today's Positive Emotion is L O V E.   The great Apostle Paul wrote about it. He said it is the greatest, and it really is!  God said Love your neighbor as thy self.  So first we need to love our self don't we?  Then we can love others.

Love is resonance!  Resonance is a Vibration.  Love creates a very strong vibration in our being!  It is when you are intellectually, emotionally, and physically connected to a person, an idea, or a thing.

When two people are in love there emotion has rapport, there Intellect has a rapport and there physical person have a rapport the idea even has a rapport so they have a rapport with each other, totally. It is the composite of all three.

     When you are in love with an idea, that idea keeps growing in your mind. Napoleon Hill gave us a formula for falling in love with an idea. He said first you give life, guidance and action to the idea. And he said, eventually the idea will take on a power of its own and it will sweep aside all opposition. It will coax, nurse and drive you. It is so powerful! Love is a phenomenal emotion. 
         Love is a phenomenal emotion.

 You have got to have Love  if you are going to give Love!  It was not put in your heart to stay. If you don't love what your doing get a way from it. If you don't love the people you are around move a way from them.  You must love yourself first to be able to love back ( to give love).  Love is so powerful it can get what you want you just have to use it in the right way remember what ever you put out you will receive in return.

 Tell someone you love them today; and mean it!  It'll come back to you ten fold!

I want you to know I may not know you but I love you!

I have an idea you can fall in love with  how would you like to get daily positive emails and insights from my mentor Bob Proctor?  if so click the flower heart below and sign up!
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God bless and to your success!
Brian L Jones 
One Clear Choice Investments


Faith to move or create a Mountain!

Faith to move or create a mountain !

Howdie Friends and follower and fellow bloggers !!

    The subject today is Faith one of the Positive emotions.  The second one we are looking at.   Faith is a Powerful emotion.  I am not talking about blind faith that is nothing you will run in to a rough patch and bang the blind faith is gone.    Now True faith based on understanding can move or even create mountains!  Bob Proctor met a man by the name of Clarence Smithison who gave him a good definition for faith it is - the ability to see the invisible, see something on the screen of your conscious mind that no one else can see. It is the ability to see the invisible, to believe the Incredible.    

What is Incredible?  It's that your subconscious mind works totally in a deductive state.  It will accept anything you give it and instantly start to transform automatically with and through you in to foam.    So Faith is seeing the invisible and believing in the incredible and lets you receive the impossible!  You are God's highest creation!  In the first book of the bible you will find that it states God made man in his likeness.  What does that mean?  Could it mean that he created in us the ability to create?   Yes you can create in your mind your subconscious mind and it will start to take form.  You build an idea in your conscious mind and turn it over to your subconscious mind.  Then this starts a Vibration that you are in your mind and your body. Then an attractive force is created to attract the things you need for the manifestation of that idea.  The faith is the key or one of the key elements in this process.  If you understand the laws of our being then you can create anything! 

     I am ready to help you create freedom from the stresses of life by having financial freedom.  That means a lot of different things to different people.  What ever your dream might be I invite you to check out this Opportunity if it is something that you want to do great if not that is ok to.  
 This is my secret and it can be yours to!

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Would you be interested in positive messages sent to you every day from My friend Bob Proctor?  If so I invite you to take a look at this and see if it's something you would like.

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God bless to your success!
Brian L Jones
One Clear Choice Investments

Thursday, November 7, 2013

First of 7 Positive Emotions that will help you Reach your Goals!

Howdie friends and followers! 

     Today I would like to share with you the first of seven positive emotions some would say some of these emotions are not emotions but for the sack of our information lets just go along with them being emotions.   Our first one is Desire.

I know you might like to find the golden egg!

Desire - Wallace Wattles said, “Desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within, seeking expression without, through your action.    Desire is when you get a beautiful idea in your mind and you internalize it, you turn it over to the subconscious mind and you do that by getting yourself emotionally involved in the image of the good of your desire.    Now, we have to understand these emotions, and how they work so we can begin to use them to reach our goals, and fulfill our desires. 
      Just so you know I am writing this blog for my benefit as well as yours.  I am studying this as we speak and it helps me to focus on the ideas more when I put them into writing so we both win.  

Your desires might not be just money!

     Ok getting back to our subject - lets look at how this process works.

  1. 1.      You have a want (Something you want really bad) so you focus on wanting it and put emotion behind it (as well as action) this takes place in you conscious mind. The conscious mind is male and the subconscious mind is female. The Conscious mind impregnates the sub conscious mind with the want.
  2. 2.      The Want then turns into a desire in your Subconscious mind
  3. 3.      The Subconscious Mind then starts a vibration frequency that attracts this want.
  4. 4.      Then they both are attracted, the want and the wanted to each other and after some gestation period it becomes a reality.

Ok I know your think this is crazy!  Am I right?   If you stop and think about it you know that this is the process!  The Seven Laws of the Universe are not wrong.  We just have not thought it through.  
      Do you believe that God The creator would create us and just leave us to our own with out putting with in us a way for us to reach our goals?  God loves us and wants the best for us!  So he created in the universe the process in how to reach our goals gain our desires.  Just because it’s almost natural to some and really hard for others doesn’t make it void.  

I have something I want to offer you!  
You want to reach your goals, you need a means to do that.  I have a tool I am using to reach my goals.   I would like to offer it to you all you have to do is click on the door of opportunity below and decide if this is something you would like to do, the tool you would like to use also.  If so I would welcome you with open arms in to my team and would help you reach your goal.
 You can use my tool also just click the door of opportunity!

Do you want to learn more about the 7 Laws of the Universe and how  they work you can also join me and have Bob Proctor mentor you though email messages called insights of the day.  Just click on Bob’s favorite book below “Think and grow rich” and sign up it’s free!

join me in getting mentored by Bob Proctor

If you have a means to reach your goal and you need more prospects try my tool out just go to www.BJsMarketing.com  or click on the picture below.   Go there and learn what it will do for you and see if it’s something you would like to use.

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God bless to Your Success!
Brian L Jones